The Puritan Family

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In the essay, “The Godly Family of Colonial Massachusetts”, authors Steven Mintz and Susan Kellogg explains how the Puritan family affected from longer social, constitutional, and economic community which the boundaries were flexible and comprehensive the family assigned to public association. Mintz and Kellogg concludes that the Puritans never thought of the family as an individual unit and separating from a surrounding community for them it was like a fundamental part of a larger political and social world. The Puritan families were fissionable in structure because of an amount of the population been spent part of their lives and other families homes, serving as apprentices, contracted laborers, or assistant also marriages rise out as one of their main events in their lives. In distinction to the early eighteenth century, the small groups of integral Puritans families dominated the economic, military, and political leadership of New England. The Puritans agreed that the church composed many families and wasn’t isolated people. The Puritan family was the major unit of production in the economic system each family member expected an economically useful benefit and the older children worked in some family industries, trending gardens, forcing animals, rotating wool, and protecting their younger brothers and sisters. Wives needed to supervise servants and apprentices to keep their financial accounts, enlightened crops, and to display goods. The Puritans had faith in the larger community that had a compelling duty to secure the families and to see their functions. The Puritans didn’t understand that the individual households allow freedom from outside of judgment or intervention. The Puritan community sensed that it’s obligat... ... middle of paper ... ...or children to bent out. The Puritan childhood came to an end around the age of seven when boys maintain adult clothes to prevent from sleeping longer with their sisters or female assistants. For young men, the conversion to full adulthood only happened when they received the income of the property from their father. The Puritan religion had a surprisingly strong claim for the men and women who are hypersensitive to the disturbing forces that transform England in the middle of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Marriages remain far longer in their lives also the Puritan’s family in the beginning of the seventeenth century New England was more stabilized, adapted, and connected unit also the young Puritans was taught in mixture of constructive parts and the girls was taught as a housewife just like their mothers their lives were complicated.

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