The Pumpkin Monologue

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The clock ticked and ticked. The time was running against her. She swung the door open and stepped on the cold floor, but she was fine because she had her fuzzy warm socks on. The scent of the roasting turkey flowed into her nose. She was ready to make pumpkin filling. Mary-Anne took out the crumpled list of ingredients, and searched for the items throughout the kitchen. She grabbed a few eggs out of the mini fridge in the corner of her small kitchen. She placed them on the counter, they wobbled, but before they could reach the end of the counter she caught them in time. After all her items were laid out, she rolled the pumpkin, then heaved it onto the table. She placed her finger on her chin, her mind deep in thought. Trying to think of what her mom had told her on the phone two days before. “Oh,” she replied to herself. She walked out …show more content…

Mary-Anne looked at the message her mom sent her to see the steps on how to make the filling, and how to use the spice correctly or it wouldn't work. Step one: Cut open the pumpkin to make a little hole. Mary Anne searched around the kitchen for her pumpkin knife, then she found it. She easily made a hole on the top of the pumpkin, near the stem. She was done with the first step. Step two: Do three shakes of spice into the hole that you just made. Then just wait for a few minutes so that it can melt into the pumpkin. She shaked it 3 times, exactly what her mom said to do. Then she stepped out of the kitchen for a moment to use the bathroom. When she came back she was humming her favorite tune, nodding her head lightly, side to side. As she walked toward the pumpkin she suddenly opened her eyes, because she stepped on a pumpkin seed. But when she picked it up from under her foot, and was going to throw it away, the kitchen turned brighter. An orangey bright. Mary-Anne turned around to see what was up with the sun, but surprisingly, it was the

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