The Pros And Cons Of The Meat Industry

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Many people consider meat to be an essential part of their diet, however, few are aware of all of the misconduct that occurs before the meat reaches the plate. Within the last 60 years the meat industry has escalated to an extreme state of immorality and thoughtlessness. This recklessness has created several issues that must be changed before it is too late. The meat industry harms animals, humans, and the world we live in. The meat industry is alive today because of the killing of animals. Although it does not have to be inhumane, it almost always is. Not only is the way factory farmers kill the innocent animals unjust, but how animals are treated while they are alive is heartrending. Factory farm animals are raised with extremely limited space, often with several animals crammed into small cages, unable to even turn around. They are fed hormones, steroids and antibiotics in order to make them grow at an unnatural rate. These growth hormones are drastically unhealthy for the animals and …show more content…

As concerns regarding climate change continue to spread, environmentalists are searching for a solution. However, the fact is that cars, planes, trains and ships combined produce less greenhouse gas emissions than the livestock industry. Other resources are also depleted, and in some cases eliminated, because of factory farming. For example, several farms create man-made lagoons to store manure. However, these lagoons are overran and are easily ruptured. The manure in the flooding lagoons act as nutrient pollution in waterways and soil, which wastes valuable land and drinking water. The wasted resources do not stop there as the production of meat products waste so much water that you could save more water by not eating one pound of beef then you could if you went six months without showering. The actions of factory farming towards the environment are blatantly

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