Factory Farm Cause And Effect Essay

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How would you feel being raised for slaughter? Not being able to move because of a large crowd in such a confined space? How would you feel being encircled by disease, illness and constant abuse? To animals, this is known as a factory farm. Factory farming is where animals are packed as closely together as attainable, most never see or feel the sunlight, able to get fresh air or even able to turn around. These terrible conditions have serious effects on the animals physically and mentally. Illness spreads and fights break out between animals. This worldwide epidemic known as factory farming began when greedy people began to modify farms to maximise profit for themselves, but because of this, it not only has a terrible impact on animals but …show more content…

Animals trapped in factory farms are severely abused and tortured from birth to death. Chickens sometimes will be starved for up to 2 weeks and given no water to shock their bodies into moulting, chickens and hens will have their beaks removed to prevent fighting between other animals. Pigs will get their tails cut off to stop other pigs biting them off. These cruel procedures are done to minimise as few of animals dying as possible so more product can be created by the farmer. Within factory farms, animals are abused with overuse of antibiotics to prevent disease and maximise their body growth to create a higher yield of product. According to Animal Rights Action, 2 out of 3 farms are now factory farmed worldwide and factory farming is only increasing this is leading to more animals being raised for slaughter, abused and tortured, mentally and physically. This is not fair. How would you feel losing your child minutes after it's born? As within factory farms, female cows get their calves are taken away from them within minutes they are born never to be seen again. This leaves these poor female cows depressed which causes them to lose weight and because of this are slaughtered as farmers want to maximise their yield of …show more content…

It’s murder. Not just me but others too famous actresses: Kristen Bell, Lisa Edelstein and many more. We believe this worldwide epidemic needs to be stopped as soon as possible due to it causing dire effects not only the animals but us the consumer and the environment. Worldwide 70,000,000,000 innocent animals are now raised for slaughter. We need to put an end to it and realise that this isn't a game you can simply “log off” from. We need to look past the illusion of "Happy Farms" and see the truth about what's really happening on these farms. We've passed the stage of pushing it to the side and ignoring it. We have all past the stage, animals and the environment included. Action needs to be taken against these slaughter houses and be done as simple as not purchasing factory farmed products, by doing this you are not supporting the factory farms. Next time I go to my local Shop I will be picking Factory farmed products (Free ranged). Will

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