The Pros And Cons Of Stem Cells

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Cellmates In 2013 about 580,350 Americans were projected to die of cancer, almost 1,600 people a day. Cancer remains the second most common cause of death in the US, accounting for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths (Cancer Facts). Doctors and scientists are always trying to discover new ways to help battle cancer as well as other diseases. Doctors have tried everything from plants to radiation to try and destroy cancerous cells. Instead of destroying them Scientists and doctors are now trying to replace the old cancerous cells. In order to replace these cells they will need new cells. Stem cell research is the newest way doctors are trying to help with diseases. There are different types of stem cells. Stem cells are cells found primarily in embryos, and they have not yet taken on the characteristics of any particular type of cell, such as bone, muscle tissue or brain matter. The newest research being done is with embryotic stem cells. Embryotic Stem cells have been used in medical therapies to aid patients with many types of diseases; that being said it is imperative that we continue researching, practicing, and funding these medical advancements. Pro-life supporters often claim that the use of adult stem cells from sources such as umbilical cord blood has consistently produced more promising results than the use of embryonic stem cells (Stem Cell Controversy). Adult stem cells can also be used in place of embryotic stem cells. Scientist have discovered new ways to make the adult stem cells adapt like the embryotic stem cells. In Japan scientists use a method called stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency” or STAP to transform adult cells into a embryotic like state. Using this method scientists are able to take an adult cell ... ... middle of paper ... ...g stem cells destroys potential life, the benefit to the greater good greatly outweighs the destruction of potential life. In a perfect world with an unlimited amount of stem cells all diseases and illnesses could be cured. Those working in the medical world can greatly improve the quality of human life using stem cells. With stem cells, people will live longer, healthier, lives. Many diseases would be completely eliminated. However, only when scientists and doctors fully understand how to implement the embryonic stem cell, can all this happen. When the doctors and scientists have all of the lines they need, then they can cease destroying embryos to obtain the stem cells they require (More Ethical Stem Cells). The biological world and the field of stem cells specifically, require the support of the federal government as well as the people to make all this possible.

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