The Pros And Cons Of Real Estate

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As Dundure (2011c, pp. 10-11) mentioned there exist various other possibilities where to invest additional money, for example, each individual can invest money into gold, real estate and in buildings with good infrastructure. The value of such investments in a long-run will not fall down so significant, but have a possibility to raise the value. However, such kind of investment cannot afford a big percentage of the society.
As it was mentioned before one of the alternative types of investment is gold. Gold is the most popular precious metal in the world. The biggest advantage of investing money into gold is the fact that gold is a liquid asset which can be easily converted into cash. Laurent (2016, pp. 11-13) described that in the world exist …show more content…

The real estate can provide owners with a positive income through tenant’s contributions for the flat and can make losses as well. The value of the real estate depends on several factors, those are the demand, supply, specifics of the real estate and process of transferring rights. Under the meaning of demand lies the readiness and ability of society to buy or rent a real estate. Supply includes all the possible real estates which people can buy or rent. Specifics of the real estate includes the location of the real estate and the process of transferring rights contains of bringing the real estate to the market and the negotiations of conditions of the sell or rent contract. According to Kahr and Thomsett (2005, pp. 37-41) the location of the real estate is valued on different levels. It means that the location is divided into countries, districts, cities and towns. Further the value of the real estate depends on the buildings and infrastructures which are nearby. Francis and Ruskuls and Roze (2000, p. 32) stressed out that in Latvia the real estate can be purchased either by inhabitants of Latvia or by any foreign

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