The Pros And Cons Of NSA Spies

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Have you ever thought about how does the NSA spies on us? The answer is very basic, when you use your device for internet connection, your data in sent through the internet to the sever of the website and travels back to your device with the data you requested from that server (website). But NSA is copying the data on its way. The don't even have to do anything, the computer with the program does that for them. When you talk to your friend, parents, or someone else, you probably never thought that whatever you said is not private. Your secrets that you share with your friend over the social media, or your device overall is not a secret anymore. Even if you don't use your device for a private conversation, but you have your device near you, they could easily listen to you through a microphone in your device. They can turn on the camera, and/or microphone without you even …show more content…

Your security doesn't have to be breached from the NSA or any government organization. Taking precautions can be all the difference between you being secured or being watched. Using apps to protect transferred data from your cellphone and keeping all of your conversations online private with security programs can help prevent intrusions. As we all know, everything that is connected to the internet can be hacked, so using apps or is not solid protection against any hacker. The app is only going to make it harder and longer to hack the device, the time variable depends on the app. The only way to completely secure us from NSA is to make them stop spying on us. Along with this, you can also take a direct stand against the NSA by signing one of the petitions below to protest the current laws. We want them to change their strategy and give us our privacy that we

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