The Pros And Cons Of Marijuana

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The word Marijuana also known as cannabis, pot, weed, herb and green stuff has been universally criticized since the beginning of the century. According to (Fitzgerald, K. T., Bronstein, A. C., & Newquist, K. L. 2013) “the term "marijuana” typically refers to tobacco-like preparations of the leaves and flowers” (Fitzgerald et al., (2013). (McGuinness, Teena M, PhD,P.M.H.-N.P., B.C. (2009) stated that “Cannabis cigarettes are also called joints, nails, and reefers; pipes for smoking are also known as bongs and bowls” (McGuinness et al., 2009) The truth is that the legalization of Marijuana has positive effects on both society and the wellbeing of individuals and should be legalized. The government can monitor and tax Marijuana thus helping the economy. Secondly Marijuana can be used as medical therapy; thirdly there would be less youth and adults in jails and prisons. Conversely the use of Marijuana can be proven highly addictive among individuals in our society; Marijuana is more harmful that cigarettes and Marijuana is known as the (Gate Way) drug to harsher drugs. The benefits of legalization Marijuana outweigh the cons. Firstly since 1908 the opium act was initialized and Canada followed a strict prohibition against any and all illicit drugs. With this in mind (Hart, Ksir, Hebb, Gilbert,Black.(2012) cannabis is the most widely consumed illicit drug in the world with the United Nations Office on Drugs and crime estimating that between 155 million and 250 million people used illicit substances at least once in 2008 (Hart, 2012) With this amount of the population using drugs imagine how much profit the government could be making off of it rather than drug cartels profiting from it. Both Canada and America went through one o... ... middle of paper ... ...efore will protect youth from being prosecutes/charged. In conclusion Marijuana has positive effects on both society and the wellbeing of individuals and should be legalized. It would be a logical decision for the government to legalize Marijuana due to the fact that firstly the government can monitor and tax Marijuana thus helping the economy. Secondly Marijuana can be used as medical therapy; thirdly there would be less youth and adults in jails and prisons. Point in fact the government would be able to manage all facets about Marijuana as follows price, importation and exportation and diminishing any drug cartels/markets. Additionally youth would not be prosecuted with possession of cannabis and fear an undetermined future. Lastly the positives incidentally outweigh the negatives over this concerning topic and thus a monumental decisions to legalize Marijuana.

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