The Pros And Cons Of Immigration

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People have been crossing their nation 's borders in search of better opportunities since historical times. There are numerous reasons as to why people leave the comfort and familiarity of their homes. Whether it be to seek business growth and migrate to a foreign country or flee a civil war that is ripping apart a country, most people immigrate in order to benefit themselves so they can have better lives. Immigration laws that facilitate the migration of people between the two countries are of help in such cases. We can 't say that immigration is completely advantageous, because in reality, it has both pros and cons. One of the biggest dangers associated with immigration is the threat of terrorism. The September 11th attacks in New York city Many people carry the false understanding that immigrants tend to not contribute as much to economies or they tend to believe that they “take away” jobs, when in fact, it 's just quite the opposite of what many think. According to the Manhattan Institute, immigrants increase economic efficiency by reducing labor shortages in low- and high-skilled markets because their educational backgrounds fill holes in the native-born labor market (Roth). Therefore, many immigrants tend to take jobs in fields such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) that would not have been occupied in the first place. In addition, immigrants are responsible for creating forty percent of the fortune five hundred companies present in the United States; some of the companies include Google, AT&T, eBay , as well as Intel. Many of the fortune five-hundred countries are responsible for employing millions of Americans across the United States and helping to raise about $1.1 trillion in revenue. Thus, they end up creating more jobs instead of taking them It seems immigrants benefit the economy in both sides of the spectrum. As the American Society/ Council of the Americas states, “both high- and low-skilled immigrant labor creates additional jobs across the U.S. economy” and “immigrants [as a whole] boost tax revenue, enlarge the taxpayer base, and help With the rise of these attacks, the word immigration has had an increasingly negative connotation. The 2016 president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump has been very vocal with his presidential policies, those of which include building a wall on the southern border with the potential to make Mexico pay for it (Immigration). In addition, he wants to create stricter laws that enforce immigration and make deportation more effective (Immigration). Public policies that were once up in the air regarding immigration are more present than ever, and with the Republican president-elect as well as a Republican Congress, the policies are more likely to become a reality. There are many pros and cons towards immigration, and with the American president-elect Donald Trump, things like immigrant jobs will be hurt while the prevention of terrorism and the increase of jobs will be seen as a positive to many. Immigration has helped the United States thrive economically and culturally, thought it’s not always this case. But by being surrounded by diverse people, we have grasped so much knowledge in different cultures and practices that have enabled us to grow as people. Because of the copious amount of people being hired in STEM field programs and being enveloped in rich

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