The Pros And Cons Of Bitcoin

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The cryptic currency
Bitcoin is an electronic currency created in 2007 by an unknown person using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. While he is on record as living in Japan, it is speculated that Nakamoto may be a collective pseudonym for more than one person or as Hongkiat suggests “that his name was just a mashup of popular Japanese companies, (SAmsung, TOSHIba, NAKAmichi, MOTOrola)” (HONGKIAT , 2016). In 2008 Neal Kin, Vladimir Oksman, and Charles Bry file an application for an encryption patent application. This came problematic when all three individuals deny a connection to Satoshi Nakamoto. After all three individuals were cleared, the patent for encryption was granted and later that year was born! “The domain was registered …show more content…

Bitcoin is virtual; all transactions are made with no middle men, meaning no banks. There are no transaction fees and no need to give your real name. Unlike traditional currencies, which are issued by central banks, “Bitcoin has no central monetary authority” (The Economist explains, 2013). Instead it works through a method the network called underpinning. This process uses a peer-to-peer computer network made up of its users’ machines. To use Bitcoin, you will be added to the anonymous structure of BitTorrent. This is currently the most popular peer to peer (P2P) network. BitTorrent will underpin the user to a parallel of systems such as a “file-sharing system, and Skype, an audio, video and chat service” (CCN.LA, 2014). Bitcoins are collected by a method called mining or you can simply buy bitcoins on the market. As per the New York Stock Exchange, Bit coin is trading currently at $442.13 per …show more content…

The process of Bitcoin is confusing and difficult to understand even to the deeply involved. He advises his readers not to trust reporters who only have had a brief overview of the process when learning the program (2016). Many reporters dismiss bitcoin as a means to carry out illicit activities on the internet, writing stories when Dread Pirate Roberts ruled the Silk Road, and how he use anonymity to keep one step ahead of the DEA and Secret Service. Of course you can buy anything for sale as long as the seller accepts bitcoin, because Bitcoin is money. The only difference is that is digital and the buyers are anonymous. And because it is currency, it is subjected to all that physical issues currencies are. How does the Bitcoin currency fit in to the Federal

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