The Pros And Cons Of Autonomous Cars

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We all wish to exist in a world where one no longer needs to worry about car accidents, intoxicated drivers, and the many reckless people out there operating motor vehicles unsafely. Right? Well, if we think about it, our lives depend on random people's abilities to operate their vehicle safely without making a mistake. Due to being human, we all make mistakes, some bigger than others, but nonetheless we make mistakes. Therefore, it only takes a single error in someone's driving to end another person's life. Because of that many innovative techs and car companies like Google, Tesla, Intel, Ford and much more are proposing self-driving cars as the solution to these problems on our roads. Some of the benefits of an autonomous car would be …show more content…

Also with the algorithm, the car itself can figure out the best route to get from one location to another. Doing so will create an efficient system of transportation consequently also keeping emission low if the car were electric therefore killing two birds with one stone. According to Business Insider, they provide an excellent point on the effect of self-driving car they said, "Autonomous cars will typically drive within the speed limits, have faster reaction times allowing them to drive closer together and will behave less randomly than humans, who tend to overreact in certain situations. On a tactical level, choosing the optimum route, accounting for obstacles and traffic density, driverless cars will behave in a more rational way, as they can communicate with other cars and quickly change course or driving behavior" (Lorna Wilson, “How math and driverless cars could end traffic jams”). They gave out a great example as to how a self-driving car will act on the

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