The Problem Of Prostitution In The Middle Ages

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Prostitution in the free market
While searching the internet, people can easily find websites that promote catering to illegal sexual vices. The problem with prostitution is that the product being distributed cannot to controlled. Females make up a little over 50% of our population. Because prostitutes are born with the tools of the trade, we will never truly be able to destroy all remnants of the profession. The widespread availability of prostitutes within the darkest corners of our society plagues us all. Why then does the underground market for sex seem to take a backseat amongst other, less important social issues? Furthermore, what can be done to hinder the progression of the filth we have let slowly seep into our daily lives?
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Legislation was passed to address prostitution, but the classification was to loose to categorize anyone definitively(Rollo-Koster). Generally, prostitution was not a lifelong career for women in the middle ages. Most women who dabbled in Prostitution only did so in times of great financial need(Roberts). Legal action was taken against mothers on several occasions for prostituting their own daughters out(Findlen). Aside for youthful prostitution, it was accepted as a necessary part of life during the Middle Ages. Because prostitution was openly accessible for men, rape was less likely to happen to honest women of all ages(Rossiaud). Because of population density, prostitution tended to be more drawn to larger towns or cities. This however doesn’t mean that prostitutes didn’t travel through smaller towns, chasing fairs and other traveling forms of entertainment(Rossiaud). Although the general attitude toward prostitution wasn’t malicious, women who didn’t fit into the social structure during the middle ages were condemned for not following one law or another. This ultimately led to progressive policies confining prostitutes to a red light district(Sanger). Prostitutes were eventually made to wear a shoulder-knot of a set color in order to distinguish them from otherwise respectable

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