The Power of Act IV Scene 1 of The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

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The Power of Act IV Scene 1 of The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

This scene is so powerful because it is the climax of the whole plot.

We know that Shakespeare gives it a lot of importance because it is a

very long scene. It is given great importance because all the

characters are there. Its location is very important because it is

set in a court and as soon as the certons are lifted, the audience

know this is a serious scene. It is also important about the location

because in the olden days the Venetian court were seen as a powerful

place so this means that they could not show mercy to Antonio because

this would make the court look week. It is also a very serious scene

it is a dispute over another persons life. The language in this scene

provides lots of opportunities for action. Conflict plays a very big

part in this scene because of the hostility between Antonio and

Shylock. There is lots of contrast in this scene. There is contrast

in the characters moods, movements and the language they use.

There is a lot of dramatic tension building up to this scene. It

starts with Antonio and Shylock disliking each other. They dislike

each other because Shylock and Antonio are from rival religions.

Antonio is a Christian and Shylock is a Jew. They also dislike each

other because Shylock lends out money to people and when he collects

it, in he collects interest. Antonio don’t like this he thinks it is

wrong. Antonio also lends out money to people as a favour and does not

collect interest. This upsets Shylock because he is losing out on

business because of it. The plot starts when Antonio wants to lend

some money from Shylock to give to Bassanio so he could go off and

court a lady called Portia. Antonio would of lent Bassanio the money

from him self but his money was out on investment at sea.

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