The Politics of Gas: An Inventory of Resource Conflict in the Context of Chittagong Hill Tracts

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The conflict dynamic in post accord Chittagong Hill Tracts is at cross-road. The intensity of violent ethnic conflict has likely to be reduced since the signing of peace accord in 1997. However, the people in CHT are dealing with new dynamics of conflict which has caused less violent but protracted social tensions and conflicts. Natural resource conflict is becoming paramount dynamic of social conflict in CHT region. The CHT region is the only extensive hill area in Bangladesh. The region consists of 3 districts which are located in southeastern part of Bangladesh. The population of this region has historically been dominated by indigenous communities in Bangladesh. However, over the years significant numbers of Bengali people arrived and settled in many parts of this region. Overall the society of CHT has now both Bengali and Indigenous people. Recently CHT is the center point of resource conflict dynamic. The region has huge potentials of natural gas and oil. Some of the parts of CHT have important geological structures favorable for natural gas and oil. One such reservoir of huge amount of natural gas is ‘Semutang Gas Field’ in Khagrachari District of CHT region. Semutang is the only gas field so far located in CHT. I was discovered in 1960 by thenational oil company (Oil and Gas Development Corporation of the then Pakistan). Finally in 2008, the government took up the project to extract 6.570 million cubic feet gas per year from Semutang gas field. During the planning process, it was undertaken that the gas will be added to the national grid to provide supports to industrial sectors in port city Chittagong.
The local people in Khagrachari district reacted against the gas distribution policy in CHT. They demanded that gas shou...

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...low a comprehensive investigation in order to identify and map key references i.e. Constitution of Bangladesh, National Energy Policy, National Development Plan, socio-economic profile of the people in Khagrachari District in CHT. On the other hand Focus Group Discussion, Individual Observation and one-to-one interview will be conducted to prepare cases studies. The study will be both descriptive and explanatory in nature. Descriptive method will be used to identify what, when and where type questions which will try to find out the genesis and development of socioeconomic and political encapsulation of indigenous people in Bangladesh and its impacts on the planning and implementation of development plan in Bangladesh. The exploratory method will find out how and why indigenous people resist such policy and why can’t the conflict mediated in a win-win situation.

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