The Policy of Appeasement as the Most Important Reason for the Outbreak of the Second World War

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The Policy of Appeasement as the Most Important Reason for the Outbreak of the Second World War

The outbreak of the Second World War had many causes, one of which was

the policy of appeasement which was one of the most important causes.

The policy of appeasement, between 1936 – 1939 was the policy of

giving in to Hitler’s demands to prevent another conflict. This was a

one of the major causes of the Second World War as Britain and France

could have stopped Hitler much earlier on, for example the invasion of

the Sudetenland, but instead they allowed Hitler to take what he

wanted in 1938 when the Sudetenland was handed to him. This policy of

giving in to Hitler’s demands to avoid another conflict allowed Hitler

to keep demanding for more land to expand the German empire. He gained

much for Germany, an example of his never ending demands was the

invasion of the whole of Czechoslovakia, in March 1939, after he had

been appeased and had been given the Sudetenland. Clearly, Hitler’s

demands could never be satisfied and he was finally stood up to by

Britain and France in September 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland. The

policy of appeasement, which Neville Chamberlain had supported,

actually encouraged Hitler to take more and more as he realised he

wouldn’t be opposed. This led to the outbreak of the Second World War

as Britain and France realised Germany to be the threat and aggressor

as he had taken so much land such as Czechoslovakia (1939), Austria

(1938), The Rhineland (1936) and the Saar land (1935). Hitler had gone

too far and Britain and France knew they had to crush this German

expansion in Europe.

However, there were many other causes for the Second World War, one of

which was the German invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939. After the

failure of appeasement which had allowed Hitler to gain much land,

Britain and France had had enough of giving in to his demands. They

anticipated that Hitler was going to invade Poland (as Germany had

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