The Responsibility of Hitler for World War Two

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The Responsibility of Hitler for World War Two In this essay I will be looking at the main causes of World War 2 and deciding whether it was all Adolf Hitler's fault that it began. I will be looking at things Hitler did, other causes and then concluding with my opinion. In some ways the war was Hitler's fault. He believed that the Germans were the 'master race'. Going around saying this will make people feel inferior and think the Germans have no authority over them, this caused conflicts. Hitler thought that the Treaty of Versailles should be cancelled and land taken from Germany must be returned. This led to problems as they were demanding land, which not only is against the Treaty's wishes, but will make then a lot stronger when or if future wars do happen. He said that all people of German blood, including many in Austria and Czechoslovakia, must be allowed to live in Greater Germany. This led to another cause of the war because people would not have been happy if Hitler stole parts of other countries where German people lived. He demanded living space, 'Lebensraum', for his people in the East. People did not like the idea of this as to use more space you need more land, which means he would need to take land from other countries, making Germany a lot stronger. In 1933 Hitler began to build up Germany's army which violated one of the rules set by the Treaty of Versailles. In 1936 he introduced conscription. This made it obvious he was building a huge strong army most likely to be used in war. In 1937 Hitler helped the Spanish Dictator, Franco, which showed the nation how big his army was and that he had a large quantity of ready made, full working weapons. In March 1938 he demanded that Austria should be joined with Germany, this would make Germany stronger and have a bigger population meaning more people could fight. Hitler then went on to ignore the Munich agreement by invading the rest of Czechoslovakia, which broke the

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