The Persecution And Assassination Of Jean-Paul Marat

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There are several different ways for a director to direct a play. A director has many points to consider when directing a play such as, what experience they would like the audience to have, the experience they would like the audience to leave with, what stage will work better and more. The director’s plan sets the stage and their ideas become art. According to Cohen, “The director conceptualizes the play, gives it a vision and purpose – both social and aesthetic – and inspires the company of artists to join together in collaboration” (Cohen 98). The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat As Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of The Marquis de Sade, by Peter Weiss has been directed in multiple different ways by many directors. Act two, Scene 32, demonstrates Marat being stabbed in a bathtub by Charlotte Corday during the French Revolution. This scene could be directed in particular ways for a thrust stage and a proscenium stage for maximum effect. This scene …show more content…

In order to have an effective transition from the musical history into the murder scene, the stage director must take into consideration that the audience is seated on all three sides of the stage. The actors/inmates must face different directions to accommodate those who are not directly seated in front of the thrust stage. In addition, the stage should also be in complete silence. The only sound the audience should hear are the screams coming from the inmates after Marat is stabbed. There should be a few inmates on the each side of the stage who let out a scream as they face the bath. The inmates being positioned on the three sides of the stage will create the effect of a louder scream. The sound of the loud screams will make the scene feel dramatic for the entire audience, not just those sitting in front of the thrust

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