The Party By Tobias Wolff

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a)First person involved
b) All the information is based on the narrative perspective, so we don't really know about the actual society's view of her. The whole story is that she describes the behavior of these people through her own perception of others. Therefore, it will affect the reader's understanding of the story and other roles.

Person versus herself :When Mary is standing in front Karen's house. She hesitated whether she was going to the party or not because she was afraid that others would tease at her. However, Karen who is her best friends that really wanted her to go to the party, plus she would also like to see what is other people's reaction after seeing her dress up different than usual.

Person versus society: Mary …show more content…

For example, in her memory, the children have been teasing her and sarcastic her with a satirical song; the narrator mentioned that she had barely been in social interaction with other children; the school counselor tries to help her become more socialize in school.

3. The climax is when Mary realizes the guy with a white face painted and the wig is dressing up as her. “Not until then did I realize who he was dressed up as.” This is a climax in the story because Mary finally feels comfortable and enjoy to stays with other people in the party. Then a guy who dresses up similar to her and suddenly show up at the party. On my opinion, It creates a suspense on Mary's next action(what she will do next?). It makes audiences very curious what happens next and the purpose for him to wear this costume.

A true friend can help you to heal your wound of the heart. Mary gets very upset and shame from the party. She wanted to get rid of the features(white hair) of albino, so she cut her hair. However, she finally releases her sadness and anger when Mary makes a joke of her. In addition, she is isolated from other people in her life. However, she has a very supportive …show more content…

It shows that she is happy and excited about the party. Describe her preparing process detailly for the party. From the moment she stepped into the bathroom until she put on the uniform, and get everything ready for the party. She is excited and valued the party.

Departure: Uses famous cartoon characters ("Ms. Bubble": She has a shirt with Mr.Bubble on it and she wears it every week, so it becomes part of her symbol and represents her. Another character is "Cinderella". She compares herself to Cinderella. She leaves the party like Cinderella has to leave the castle before midnight otherwise the magic will be broken, and Cinderella and Mary’s beautiful looking will back to normal again. It helps the reader to imagine and appreciate the narrator's angry and humiliation after she leaves the party. In term of vocabulary is negative. (Example: tears, scrubbed, crying, teasing, ridiculous...) It shows that Mary is unhappy and shame about the tease from the guy at the party.

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