The Nationalistic Dlements in the Concerto for Orchestra

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The Nationalistic Dlements in the Concerto for Orchestra

Bartók’s Concerto for Orchestra demonstrates many different cultural

and national musical ideas. The Concerto for Orchestra is basically

tonal with some dissonance.

Bar 39 of the Introduzione shows a verbunkos Hungarian melody in the

trumpets. This is an extended and over developed version of the flute

melody of bar 30. This melody is a synthetic Hungarian style,

incorporating all Hungarian music. The lower strings at this point

are playing consecutive fourths and seconds. This Hungarian style is

extended and developed further throughout the following section.

The melody at bar 76 is similar to that of a Serbo-Croat melody. The

germinal motive outline of this is an augmented fourth (tritone) and

is made up of alternating tones and semitones, like an octatonic

scale. The theme at this point is asymmetrical. It is built on three

bars, followed by three bars inversion. There is also a very frequent

change of time signature in this section.

Bar 155 sees the beginning of an Arab style melody in the oboe. This

theme has a very narrow range and is, at first, built on two notes a

semitone apart. This tune gradually expands and extends throughout

the orchestra, still with the narrow range. At 175 the clarinets have

this tune in octaves and at 192 the flutes and oboes have the tune

using the three notes of the triad, but unusually with the oboe higher

than the second flute.

In the Elegia, bar 10 shows a chromatic Arab influenced tune similar

to a chant. The accompaniment at this point consists of a decorated

arpeggios consisting of alternating minor thirds and minor seconds.

This is simply for orchestral colour, by the use of trills, tremolo,

glissandi and static harmony.

Bar 32 introduces the rhythm of a scotch snap in the horns. This idea

is extended through the trumpets in this section.

At bar 54 the theme in the oboe, clarinets and cellos is based on the

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