The Mystery of Miss Emily in A Rose For Emily by William Faulkner

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William Faulkner's short story “A Rose For Emily” opens the reader into the secluded, odd and depressing life of Miss Emily Grierson as seen through the eyes of people in the town and told through one of the townspeople. The mystery and curiosity from others are highlighted from the very beginning of the story when the the reader is introduced to the death of Miss Emily. From the very beginning sentences, a tone of darkness and curiosity can be felt in the short story. This tone helps to pique the interest of the reader on the reclusive life of the the main character and to enhance the story as it moves along to the climax. Miss Emily lives such a isolated life that very few are a part of. The events that happen and her actions in the story keep the townspeople talking and wondering about her and her home. The people are eager to take a glimpse into the recently departed's house and a tale quickly begins to reveal why people are so fascinated with Miss Emily. Faulkner's use of a inquisitive, gossipy and dark tones help to establish the opinion of Miss Emily to those who live around her and to reveal the already known details she has hidden in her house. A subtle tone throughout the story is one of inquisitiveness or curiosity. This is done through the questioning done by the townspeople and also when the narrator outright says that they are curious. From the very first paragraph it is clear that the townspeople are not interested in Miss Emily's funeral but are wanting to get a glimpse into her house that had not been visited in years. The reader gets their first look into the inquisitiveness of the neighbors when the narrator says “...the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old m... ... middle of paper ... ... starts with the death of Miss Emily and ends with the final discovery of the remains of the one she loved. The dark tones hint through the story that the people already know the fate of the man she loved and give clues as to why it may have happened. Her sad, lonely, and decaying life is displayed through the talk of the town and keeps the reader focused on what is about to be discovered after her death. From the first sentence is is appearent that the reader will know why they want to look inside the home and as the story goes further, the reader begins to have an idea of what the people are expecting to find. This is mostly done with the tones set in the story. The reader is aware and feels along with the town the harsh reality of the situation and through the use of different tones they are able to discover with the town just what they all were waiting to see.

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