The Movie, This Boy's Life

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The movie ‘This Boy’s Life’, which is based on the real life of American author Tobias Wolff, features renowned actors Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro and Ellen Barkin in the leading roles while actors Jonah Blechman, Eliza Dushku, Chris Cooper, Carla Gugino, Tracey Ellis, Kathy Kinney, Tobey Maguire, Deanna Milligan and Morgan Brayton play the other minor roles. The film is directed by Michael Caton-Jones, and is a classic tale of domestic abuse, emotional neglect and other issues faced by Tobias. ‘This Boy’s Life’ follows the theme of escape, which was popular during the nineties, with fight and flight playing an important role in the film. Based on the award-winning memoir of the same name by the real Tobias Wolff, the film does a great job in portraying the struggles of the growing boy as he plans to escape his abusing step-father. Tobias played by Leonardo DiCaprio, the protagonist of the film, who later changes his name to Jack, and acts as the narrator in the movie.
The film begins with a mother’s search for a better life and a proper, complete family for her son. On meeting the seemingly charming Dwight Hansen portrayed by Robert De Niro, she feels that her search has ended and Dwight might be the perfect father for Tobias. But little does she know about Dwight’s real personality and what’s in store for her in the future. Tobias, however, saw right through Dwight and instantly disliked him. Despite Tobias’ reservations about Dwight , the desperate mother Caroline, portrayed by Ellen Barkin, marries him with the hopes of financial security and a functional family. With the expectation that this new life will finally change Toby’s bad ways, Caroline continues to live with Dwight despite his controlling nature. On the other...

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...d by Dwight’s dominating behavior. The biased behavior in the society was also visible when Caroline not only put up with Dwight’s behavior but also her previous boyfriend Roy who is also described as abusive. We see ignorance, inaction and vulnerability on Caroline’s part almost all the time. We can also see the stereotypes in the society at that time, what with all the expectation of Dwight being a good guy just because he seemed rich and respectable. On an individual basis, the movie gives a whole new insight into the lives of abused people and their suffering and shows how abusive environments are able to foster. As for the professional view, watching this movie as future physical therapist has given me a better understanding of recognizing domestic abuse in pediatric patients and their mothers. All of these things add up to make the movie a very remarkable one.

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