The Most Dangerous Games Q&A

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1. a) The simile that I found was, “ An apprehensive night crawled slowly by like a wounded snake”. I choose this simile because it creates a type of suspense and makes the reader become engaged with the story. When a story is set in the dark it often has suspense, which tells the reader that something scary is about to happen. If this part was not included in the story then it would not tell us the pain Rainsford must have been in when this part of the story was happening. In this simile the part that says snake gives us goosebumps. Snakes are always scary. Snakes are vicious and venomous. They are especially scary in the dark. The simile gives us the setting and a picture in our mind of the story.

The metaphor that I chose was, “ The cat was coming again to play with the mouse.” I choose this metaphor because it gave us a one-sentence description of thee battle between Rainsford and General Zaroff. This gives us tension by telling us something is about to happen, and it is not going to be good. It tells us how Rainsford is not as furious and vicious as General Zaroff. It also shows how General Zaroff was a cat who would not care if the mouse was small or untrained and would just eats it in one gulp.

b) A sentence that involves foreshadowing in this story is, “ The cat was coming again to play with the mouse.” This sentence was also a metaphor. I choose this sentence as a sign of foreshadowing because it gives us a hint to what is going to happen. In this sentence the Cat (General Zaroff) is coming to play (Kill) the mouse (Rainsford). It tells us that General Zaroff is coming to kill Rainsford. General Zaroff was a vicious man. He did nothing but kill. He was a mental person who killed people for his living and put...

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... he had sat in trees that probably had splinters in them. He also did not have sleep. This hunt made him really tired. Also Rainsford is a softhearted fellow and probably doesn’t want to hurt other people or animals. He needs training to because this was just one match. Maybe General Zaroff was not at his best this time. Maybe he was just going easy on Rainsford.
Even though these were some good reasons on why he would not go hunting, there are also reasons why he would go hunting. First, he beat General Zaroff a person who has been training for many years. Also there was a little gift that he got at the end where he got to sleep in a luxury bed. If he keeps getting gifts like that he might continue hunting. Lastly, I think Rainsford had a little thrill in this hunting job. Hunting is usually mean but when you hunt a human. You never know what might happen.

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