The Medical Model Of Self Advocacy

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Advocacy is a way to promote, defend, and protect the human rights of those with disabilities. Teachers who stand up for what is right for their students. It is imperative that teachers have a clear understanding of the law to be the best advocator. There are different stages of disability advocacy. Self Advocacy is one who stands up for themselves by their self. The video Credo for Support is an example of self advocacy. The Individual Advocacy is often seen in an I.E.P. meetings. This person uses the one on one approach to advocate against abuse or mistreatment. . The person can be a relative, friend, or volunteer. Maddox Lucille ’s mother in the video Down Syndrome Awareness , is acting as an Individual Advocate for her daughter. Ed …show more content…

The models of disability are new concepts to me. I read through the articles provided and did extended research. I truly believe as an educator I inadvertently lean towards the Medical Model without thought. It is human nature to look for a cure or an answer. The medical model looks at those with disabilities as a medical condition. A condition in which a cure needs to be found. It looks at the disability as a problem for that person. Management, treatment, or cure is based on what the person does to change their “condition”. This particular model has a negative impact on those with disabilities. They internalize their conditions and it prevents them from doing activities they are capable of doing. Now after reading about the different models I lean towards the Social Model. The Social Model is a direct reflection on society’s treatment of those with disabilities. I find this model interning because it was created by those with disabilities. This particular model is a direct reflection on society and how they view disabilities. It holds society responsible to accept, accommodate,and make the environmental modification to allow those to participate in social areas. I do think we create more barriers for those with disabilities. The community as a whole needs to change and remove the environmental barriers to give them the best opportunity to utilize what is advaliable to them. This can be done by providing housing with accommodations that are needed. Public buildings with handicap accessibility. We need to open the workforce to them making it easier for them to obtain a self sufficient job. This will give the the ability to show what they have to offer despite their disability. I will embrace this model when we go back to school and see what barriers I can remove within the school community to better serve our

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