The Mayo Clinic Diet: The Mayo Clinic Diet

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The Mayo Clinic Diet is designed to change your lifestyle by replacing bad habits with new, healthy ones. There is no need to eliminate foods, just reduce the portion of certain ones. The goal of the diet is to lose excess weight, and to then maintain a healthy weight for life. Changing your daily routine and adding new habits is what it focuses on. The Mayo Clinic Diet was developed by medical professionals. It is known to be a diet you can stick with for life, not just a fad or quick fix. The Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to clinic practice, education and research, providing care to everyone who needs healing (About Mayo Clinic), centered in Rochester, Minnesota; founded by British doctor William Worrall Mayo. The Mayo Clinic diet was developed by the Mayo Clinic organization was based on research and clinical experience. In the early 2000’s there were diets floating around that were said to be “The Mayo Clinic” diet, although, The Mayo Clinic had no part in these. The diet consisted of the consumption of half a grapefruit at each meal. Those fake Mayo Clinic Diets were very low- calorie and nutritionally unbalanced, with no resemblance to the official Mayo Clinic Diet. Once they released an official diet …show more content…

Level 1 is fruits and vegetables, level 2- carbohydrates, level 3-dairy and protein, level 2-fats, and level 5 is sweets. Food consumed should come from the lower levels. Candy and processed sweets are level 5 and should only be consumed up to 75 calories daily. People can eat an unlimited amount of fruits and vegetables, limited amounts of grains, carbohydrates and dairy. Eating a lot of vegetables can lead to a desire to feel less hungry and the desire to eat less sugary and fatty foods may happen because of the rich nutrition vegetables have The Mayo Clinic a healthful and natural diet, compared to most

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