The Martian Analysis

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Martian Blog Post “The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many” -Captain Kirk, Star Trek. In this weeks reading of The Martian, this idea is communicated in the story that saving one person is more important than saving many people. In the earlier reading, Rich Purnell, a man who works for NASA figured out how to save Watney by using Earth’s gravity to sling shot the Hermes and Ares 3 crew back to Mars and pick up Mark by doing a flyby. In sol 211, Watney starts to take out unnecessary things in the rover for his trip to Schiaparelli, which is where he plans to meet the Ares 3 crew. In the book Watney states, “I've been in mortal danger for months; I'm kind of used to it now. But I'm nervous again. Dying would suck, but my crew mates dying would be way worse. And I won't find out how the launch went till I get to Schiaparelli. Good luck, guys.” (242, Weir). Scared, excited, worried, Watney reveals that he’s anxious something unfortunate might happen to his crew mates. But, also excited to be rescued and see his crew …show more content…

In the book Johanssen says, “They'd all take pills and die. They'll do it right away so they don't use up any food. Commander Lewis picked me to be the survivor. She told me about it yesterday. I don't think NASA knows about it.” (253, Weir). This quote unquestionably communicates the idea of “The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many” because Commander Lewis put Johanssen’s life before the entire crew. She knew that if something terrible happens, one person surviving is better than all of them eventually dying. With love, passion, sacrifice, and leadership, Commander Lewis’s decision was for the best of her crew, and showed how much she puts her crew before herself. This is another example of how the Star Trek quote is communicated in this

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