The Market Orientation of Coca-Cola

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The Market Orientation of Coca-Cola

I had researched the information by contacting the Coca-Cola's customer service help-line for an information pack and by contacting
The Coca-Cola Company's Industry and Consumer Affair's officer (Alneka
Warren) by email. I have also visited the Business library for further information relating to Coca-Cola and used various textbooks and various web sites from the internet.

The two marketing orientations are:

1. Product orientation

2. Market orientation

Product orientation

This can be defined as "An approach to business which places the main focus of attention upon the production process and the product itself"
(Needham & Dransfield 1995).

Market orientation

Market orientation is defined by Ian Chambers as "A market orientated business is one which continually identifies, reviews and analyses consumer's needs."

Market orientation is reflected on the Coca-Cola Company's mission statement: "Consumer demand drives everything we do." Another brief from their mission statement includes "We will serve consumers a broad selection of the nonalcoholic ready-to-drink beverages they want to drink throughout the day."

Coca-Coca has an "action orientation", instead of waiting for change to happen it is at the leading edge, driving action forward.


A market orientated organisation like Coca-Cola would:

? Know what its customers, consumer, client needs. As they know people like Coca-Cola and want it available to them.

? Understand ...

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