Pepsi Cola Marketing Strategy

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Pepsi Cola Marketing Strategy PEPSI COLA For Pepsi Cola Ltd, marketing opportunity analysis is a continual and ongoing process. Pepsi have used the new- product strategy to realise their ambitions to both defend their current market position, and reinstate their position as a product innovator. Pepsi wishes to create a clear cola that is 100% natural, low in sodium, caffeine-free, and still maintains the flavour of its original cola. They will call it Pepsi Au Naturel. Pepsi's hope is to usher in a new era, and to give them a clear-cut advantage over their rival's, Coca-Cola. By following closely the six steps of the new-product development process, the company could expect such benefits as: improved teamwork, less re-working, earlier detection of likely failure, and higher success rates. (Rix, Peter, 2001, Marketing, A Practical Approach). Stage One: Generating New-Product Ideas The first step for Pepsi Cola to undertake is to generate ideas for the new product. There are many different alternative ideas available to help Pepsi through this process. They shoul...

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