The Main Characteristics Of The Internet And The Internet

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Do you see or use computer every day? Do you know what are considered computer? Living in the modern age, almost everyone has his own computer beside them such as desktop computer, laptop, cellphone and other gadgets. Because of its uses especially when it is connected to the Internet, people can’t live without it and they believe that they must have their own computer. In the article “Introductions to Computer” by Singh (2009), he defined computer as an electronic device that is controlled by the user. Using the input device, the user give the computer task to do which it will perform the set of instructions to satisfy the user’s wanted output. For example in searching informations, using the keyboard, the user will type what he wanted to …show more content…

In the book “Introduction to Computer Network” by Singh (2011), he defined Internet as a global networks of computer networks. Basically, it connects your computer to the computers around the world. In the article “Main Characteristics of Internet” by Freedialup (2011), it shows the features of Internet that make it beneficial. Internet is a network of computer networks. Hence, it make communications around the world passible and fast. With this capability, it help users to have access to huge pool of data, tools and informations for accomplishing different tasks. To be able to communicate with other people, an important feature of the Internet is the file transferring. Through the Internet, you can transfer your voice and messages to other people. Not only you can use for communication, but also you can share pictures and videos through Internet. In addition, Internet follows a client server architecture. In a computer, there is a client or software program that requests informations form a server. Server provides requested information to clients. A computer can have several types of server software. For example, if you want to go to a web page, you need to use a web client to access a web server. These features make Internet very productive and …show more content…

In the article “Top 10 Uses of Internet” by Beforeitnews (2013), it showed the uses and the advantages of Internet-connected computer. First, it makes our communication way much convenient. You can talk to your friends, family and classmates anytime when you are both available. For example, you can use Skype or any other communication app to have a video chat. Second, it can help you in your assignments especially when you’re having research because it have rich information and resources. Having abundant informations, it can actually educate you and increase your knowledge about a particular topic that you want to learn. You can also watch videos that were posted by the people who want to share their knowledge to others. Third, it can also help you in financial transaction in terms of exchanging money. Sitting in front of computer, you can already pay bills, transfer money or buy things. Fourth, it has online news articles that you can read to know things happening around the world. Fifth, it can be your entertainment because you can watch movies online or play online games with your friends. Sixth, if you want to visit or have vacation in other countries, you can use it to book your ticket by just sitting at home without lining in long queue. Seventh, finding a job is much easier in Internet. After finding one, you can just send e-mail to apply for the job. Eighth, if you want to share

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