The Lasting Effects of The Holocaust

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Millions of innocent people killed, children, women, and men alike. Families separated and butchered, burned alive, shot, and gassed. The horrific events of the Holocaust will never be forgotten. They were treated like animals and worked to death, they were slaves. Taken from their homes, sent to ghettos, then sent to concentration camps for forced labour and to be killed. If you attempted to escape and failed, the consequences were horrendous, you would be tortured until you spilled the names of your accomplices then you would be publicly executed. These grisly events went on for over a decade and all because one man said that they did not fit his idea of a perfect race. A race known as the Aryans, blonde hair and blue eyes. Dark hair and brown eyes were unacceptable. The monster who initiated this horrifying event was Adolf Hitler.

One of the biggest contributors to death in the Holocaust was starvation. The Nazis gave them little to no food to survive on everyday. Stale bread and transparent soup is what their daily ration consisted of. Then during the winters they at...

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