The Lasting Effects Of Chernobyl On Chernobyl

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The lasting effects of Chernobyl The effects of the nuclear disaster that occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Pripyat, Soviet Union are still experienced today even though more than thirty years have passed since the event. The event is known as “Chernobyl” and has gone down in history as one of the worst nuclear disasters to have ever occurred. (Hjelmgaard) Approximately 120,000 people lived within a 30- km radius but the radioactive release spread causing even more people to continue to experience effects in the present day. (Chemistry in Context) Extreme health issues, extreme environmental contamination, and health promoting organizations remain prevalent as a result of devastating Chernobyl. On April 26, 1986 a nuclear explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in present day Ukraine caused catastrophic damage. A systems test at a reactor took a turn for the worst when there was a sudden surge of power. Unskilled worker attempted a shutdown but only caused an even greater spike in the power surge. A reactor vessel ruptured and a succession of explosions followed. A total of thirty operators and firemen were killed in a short amount of time. (“What is Chernobyl”) The amount of radioactivity released was two hundred times greater than that of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Following the accident into present- day there is a larger number of radiation related deaths as people are exposed to unhealthy amounts of radiation. Chernobyl was unique in the commercial nuclear power industry because it was the only accident in history where radiation- related fatalities occurred. These radiation- related fatalities occur in the form of cancers, primarily thyroid and leukemia, digestive d... ... middle of paper ... ...uld have caused irreversible mutations that continue to affect the population. It is also important to realize the Ukrainians could face another nuclear disaster as the sarcophagus enclosing the problemed reactor faces disrepair. (Chabad’s Children of Chernobyl) In conclusion, the Chernobyl disaster was immensely destructive and the impacts will continue affecting the European population for hundreds of years to come. These impacts are seen changing the lives of humans and animals in the contaminated zone. By utilizing various primary and secondary sources it is evident that the Chernobyl catastrophe in 1986 is most definitely significant. Unfortunately, radioactive waste can be hard to control and dispose of making it overwhelmingly powerful and widespread. Overall, Chernobyl has created a lasting legacy of how dangerous nuclear power is. (Chemistry in Context)

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