The Kite Runner Chapter 17 Summary

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Chapter 17
Amir reads a letter from Hassan, who was already shot dead by the Taliban with Farzana. In the letter it said that Hassan is waiting for his friend, Amir. He also says that the Kabul they used to know is gone. Sohrab was sent to an orphanage and Rahim tells Amir to take Sohrab to Kabul because there is an American couple that care for Afghan orphans. Amir also learns that Ali was not Hassan’s father.

Chapter 18
Amir feels responsible for Hassan’s death. He also realizes that he was similar to Baba because they both betrayed close friends. He realizes that Hassan’s father is Baba. Amir wants to atone his and Baba’s sin and decides to find Sohrab.

Chapter 19
Farid, Rahim’s acquaintance takes Amir to Kabul. Amir dresses up as an Afghan. Amir feels like a tourist and Farid asks him if Amir still …show more content…

There was a letter from Rahim who died, that said that Baba was trying to build an orphanage to forgive himself and his sin. Amir takes Sohrab with him because they had found out that were were no American couple that runs the orphanage.

Chapter 24
They arrive in Islamabad and they talk about their sins. Sohrab agrees to go to America. However in America, they say adoption is close to impossible and Amir tells Sohrab that he might go back to an orphanage. Sohrab screams and cries. The next day, Amir sees Sohrab unconscious and bleeding in the bathtub.

Chapter 25
Amir preys and Sohrab was saved in the hospital. Sohrab tried to use a razor blade to kill himself. After this incident, he stops talking to Sohrab for a while. In August, they arrive in San Francisco. Amir told Taheri about Sohrab and the things that happened in Kabul. In September, the Americans bombed Afghanistan. One day on March there was a gathering at a park with the Afghans. Sohrab then sees a kite and gets interested in it. Amir made him try the kite and he remembered Hassan’s skills and tricks. At last Amir runs the kite with Sohrab and Sohrab

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