The Killer Angels Reflection Paper

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Reflection: Hannah and Andrew I say that Hannah did not kill her son Andrew. She was experienced with children, went to church every Sunday and did missionary work all over Texas. When Andrew arrived home at first he didn't show any strange behavior like CPS ( Child Protective Services) had advised Larry and Hannah before the adoption. It was strange to me how Andrews behavior changed so drastically in such a short amount of time. When I first read about Hannah I thought she was that type of girl hat always looked to the bright side of things. She should have so much patience with children, I mean to have six of your own! You got to be crazy for that. When Hannah and Larry wanted to adopt Andrew everyone warned them that “he threw intense …show more content…

It had to do with Hannah looking at all the scared children with her, not knowing, she had a bloody face. Since then Hannah was pregnant, had a neck brace, was drowsy from all the medication she took, and had to take care of her six children. When Hannah took a brief nap Andrew wondered off to the pantry and find something to eat. That’s when Hannah noticed Andrews critical health symptoms and rushed him to then hospital. That’s another reason why I don't believe Hannah purposely killed her son because on their way to the hospital she gave CPR to the kid and looked back for information on her med school school book. After doctors told Hannah and Larry Overton that their son was in a coma due to salt poisoning they accused them for capital murder. Hannah was devastated, but what cached my eye was that she didn't do much to claim her self none guilty. During her confinement she gave birth to her child and was only allowed to see it only to breast feed. She lived a sad life. She couldn't see her children grow up and she watched her new born walk for the first time through a window because Larry brought it to the parking lot. Hannah absence took a toll on their children and Larry. He was working day and night to make ends meet, he had no business because who wants to pay a “child

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