Summary Of Michael Shaara's Killer Angels

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Killer Angels was written by Michael Shaara, it was published in 1974. The book Killer Angels tells about the story of the battle of Gettysburg. The battle of Gettysburg was the biggest battle of the American Civil War. The battle started on July 1, 1863. The major points in this battle is the Union Army(North) and the Confederate Army(South). They novel talks about certain characters that relate to the commanders during the Civil War. Robert E. Lee was the commander of the Confederate Army and James Longstreet is Lee second in command. Another name is also brought up during the novel is Colonel Joshua Lawrence, he is on the side of the union. Why Lawrence is brought up a lot is because he took major part in the the fighting of the little Round Top.
On June 29 1863 news is came up by a spy saying that the union army is nearby their campsite. When Longstreet hears this message he didn’t believe it at first because General J.E.B Stuart was suppose to tell him where the Union Army is moving.. Longstreet has to react quick, so he get’s his army and moved southeast through the mountains to a town called Gettysburg. When Chamberlain wakes up he notices that there are a hundred new members in his Army which is the Twentieth Maine, there rebels from the Second Maine. Chamberlain gives a speech to these rebels, and only six of the men stayed to fight with …show more content…

Goes into the town of Gettysburg and learns that the Confederates troops are planning an attack on the Union. Since he doesn’t have enough time to take his soldiers to a big open field for the battle, he puts up two walls with 2,000 men and positions them alongside the hill to protect the town of Gettysburg. Longstreet meets with George Pickett and other generals to come up with a plan of attack. He goes to Longstreet's to ask him where they should go in for attack. Longstreet wants to go in between the Union army and Washington. Lee doesn't listen to this and takes another

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