The Influence Of Flappers In The 1920's

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The influence of the 1920’s orbited around the newfound trend of women’s shamelessness. Women began to wander above the boundaries of decency in this time period and soon became a puzzle to the judicious and sane (Nicholas 136). The 1920’s became a debut for Flappers - a famous name for a new woman in the 1920’s - who wore rubber galoshes and were symbolized by short hair (Hoobler 104). The location of parties and events moved from decorous rooms to unsupervised nightclubs and roadhouses that were often left unsupervised (Streissguth 40). The impact of Flappers in the 1920’s changed the way people dressed, changed the ideals and values of women, and changed the way that women were able to influence men. The impact of the 1920’s mainly revolved …show more content…

Flappers often influenced men because of how they dressed, how they walked, and how they presented themselves. White men had to deal with some disadvantages because they were no longer a focus point for flappers; they mainly focused on African Americans and immigrant men (NIcholas 106). It also added “One more level of alleged disadvantage for white, working class, and middle classed men already tarnished masculine identity (Nicholas 106). Flappers also had many contributions as to how they could influence the behavior of men in the areas of cosmetics and popular culture. Makeup represented emancipation and modernity which means that women began to express their newfound freedom and ventured in the modern era of fashion (Hoobler 104). Women also started to openly put on makeup in public and the popular lipstick color was red (Hoobler 104). Eyeliner and mascara were also heavily used to purposely avoid the “natural look” and to make their eyes bigger and bolder (Hoobler 104). Popular culture originally centered on the idea of media focused on private lives. Most movies in the 1920’s focused on romance that hinted at sex (Streissguth 40). “Spicy novels and confessional magazines uncovered private lives (Streissguth 40).” Flappers were able to influence men in both good and bad ways by choosing to reestablish white men as the new minority and to introduce the world-wide use of cosmetics and popular

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