The Important and Vital Functions of the Human Resources Department

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Introduction HR in a department has various functions which are vital and crucial for an organization. It is undeniable that individual development and working to maintain a productive working environment are vital but the functions of HR are not limited to this extent only. Apart from individual development and working to maintain a productive working environment HR plays multiple roles for the growth and functioning of the organization. Other crucial functions of HR in an organization may include recruitment and employee selection, fullest utilization of human capital resources for the growth of the organization, balancing the needs of the organization with those of the employees to assure the well being of both the parties, guiding the leadership in the organization on each and every aspect of human resources for the growth of the organization, adapting the best educational and cultural shifts in the organization to keep up with the current trends in the business organization and requirements of the hour, retaining the top talent in the organization at the available resources and maximizing the productivity and many more. Training and development of the employee as per the new requirement in the business environment is vital function of HR department in any organization. Apart from the above few mentioned important functions of HR in an organization assuring safety to the employee and other stakeholders for the organization holds an important role in the organization. In this paper important and vital functions of HR will be explained, functions to be focused in this paper would be other than developing and working to maintain productive and positive working environment. These other functions identified as important HR funct... ... middle of paper ... ...functions for the organization, collecting the literature review, relating these functions to the impact on the productivity and profit margin of the organization we can conclude that these other functions of HR are very vital to meet the principles and goals of an organization. They are as much crucial as the functions like promoting individual development and working to maintain a productive and positive working environment. In fact it was found through analysis that simply focusing on excellent recruitment and selection process by an organization it can multiply its profit margin by two times. The assurance of health and safety to the employees and its stakeholders would further make the most talented resources in the industry confident to join the organization which in turn would accomplish the goal of attracting and employing the best talent of the industry.

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