The Importance of Information and Communications Technology

647 Words2 Pages

The Importance of Information and Communications Technology

Information and communications technology (ICT) is generally regarded

as the overlap of computer information and telecommunications

technologies, and their applications. In this document the term ICT is

used to indicate the whole range of technologies involved in

information processing and electronic communications, including the

internet, electronic mail and videoconferencing.

In recent years ICT has had, and is continuing to have, an

increasingly significant impact on all aspects of society. There are

few areas of life, at home and in work, where this new technology has

not made an impact. ICT expands our access to, and understanding of,

the world at large. It allows people in all areas life to benefit from

the power of computers as a personal tool, to collaborate in groups

and to communicate locally and globally.

The importance of ICT cannot be overestimated. Young people in our

schools today will require considerable ICT knowledge, skills and

awareness if they are to be successful in their futures, and the

economy will depend on a high level of ICT capability from its people

if it is to develop technologically and to compete internationally.

As well as the need to develop ICT knowledge and skills for both

individuals and society at large, ICT also offers the education

process one of the most potentially powerful learning tools available.

Not only can computers support learning across the whole curriculum,

but communication networks also provide the learner with fast and

searchable access to vast amounts of information. In addition to this,

ICT supports a wide ra...

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relate to the development of the knowledge, skills and informed

attitudes of individual pupils; thus the aim is:

· to develop in young people knowledge, skills and informed attitudes

in relation to information and communications technology.

A number of objectives derive from this broad statement of aim. ICT in

5-14 will encourage pupils to:

· develop confidence and skills in using ICT

· make use of ICT to create and present their own ideas and material

· use ICT to collect and analyse structured information and to solve


· employ ICT to search for information and to research topics

· use ICT to communicate and collaborate with others

· employ ICT to control and model aspects of the environment

· be aware of and be informed about the applications and implications

of ICT in society.

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