How Are Radio Ads Effective

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Advertising Americans today are living in “the most marketed-to culture in the history of the world” (Ramsey). In light of that fact, people need to become more aware of the techniques of advertising so they can be careful to not get sucked into buying things they really do not want or need. A simple understanding of these concepts can help keep a person from regretting their purchases. There are many techniques used to make advertising effective; companies want their products to stay on the consumer’s mind. According to Foothilltech, avante garde is one of the many techniques of advertising. This technique encourages the consumer to be the first with a certain product –a trendsetter. Most people want to be the one that others follow and …show more content…

These advertisements are just a part of life: airing in between songs on a favorite radio station. One of the most significant ways radio advertisements are effective is that they can target a certain group of people (Wire). If they want to advertise to parents or adults, the company could run their advertisement in the morning when most parents are dropping their kids off at school or are driving to work. They can also try to target different audiences based on what station is playing. Products more suitable for teens or young adults would probably be advertised on a pop station, while products for an older generation would be played on a station playing older hits. Radio advertisements are very effective in that they can be very flexible in the various products that they advertise, as well as being able to target a variety of people at different …show more content…

In 2014, Media Dynamics, Inc. came up with the number of 362 ads that a person is exposed to in a day. However, it is impossible to know an exact amount. Numbers show that while consumers are exposed to that amount, they are only really aware of about 86 of them, and only 12 really make an impression (Johnson). Another source said that consumers would have exposure to at least 560 advertisements within about 16 hours, but the point is that Americans are advertised to constantly all throughout the day, whether it is from the radio, newspaper, TV, magazines, or the internet (How Many Advertisements Is A Person Exposed To In A

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