Moving Back Essay

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In life, it’s important you understand what you can take and what you can’t. There are so many experiences that craft us to be who we are and it all starts with understanding what is pushing you back. When we don’t understand that we can literally do anything and allow people to dictate for us who we should be. And often we don’t know we are doing this because it has become the accepted norm in our lives and we take it.
Pushing back will give you more force and energy to push the dominoes in your life that used to be extremely difficult. Do you have moments when you feel so lost and confused? Times when you think you’re worthless and agree with what others say? Have you ever found yourself looking into the distance and having absolutely no …show more content…

It’s programmed into our minds now. And we never find out how close we were to massive results. If J.K Rowling gave up then we wouldn’t have Harry Potter. You are not J.K Rowling, but that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve what she did. It starts with persistence in the face of innumerable odds. When people tell you that you can’t, keep going. When doubt floods in and all you want to do is run away, keep going. Never tell yourself you can’t do something. Believe that you were put in the world to change it and therefore regard yourself as persistent. Remember if you aren’t living your purpose then you are doing a disservice to yourself and God.
Believe anything is possible
So, you want to do marathons but think you can’t. You want a promotion or to change your career, but think it’s either impossible or too late to do so. You want to open up a restaurant, but don’t think you can achieve it. I’m going to be honest with you, all those excuses above are irrelevant and you are lying to yourself. As a baby, you couldn’t walk or talk, but you learned how to. As a little kid, you couldn’t swim or ride a bike, but you learned how to do that.
I was one of those kids who gave up slowly and as a result of that I never learned how to swim or ride a bike. I thought it was impossible for me to do that and that became my normal. Unbelief is hard to get rid of once it sets in and the unfortunate part is …show more content…

You must be disciplined enough to go to bed early for you to wake up earlier in the day. Discipline is what will get you to higher peaks but it all starts with knowing what you should do and what should be stopped.
I didn’t have much discipline as a kid, I spent way too much time watching television and too little time studying. As a result, I failed a lot in primary school. I knew I had a problem with school so the next step was for me to work at it, but I didn’t.
Get out of your comfort zone
Being in your comfort zone is what is stopping you from achieving 10x results. It is what is pushing you back and you need to step out. When you do that you will find out that you will meet more people, these people might not be the ones who are normally in your circle, but they will help you.
Getting out of your comfort zone will give you opportunities you never thought to be possible. Your perspective will change and in a positive way. Staying in your comfort zone is a clutch that will only push you back and never forward. It may be comfortable and familiar territory, but you will always be two steps back. The best thing is to be uncomfortable, because it is only there that you raise your standards (go back to Chapter

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