The Importance Of Media In The Media

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In this chapter will be explained conjunctive things and differences between media framing and agenda setting theory and why it is significant for the media and also immediacy and proximity importance in media content and news.

1.1. Media framing variety

People access information from media news services all the time, media is one of the tools which can change how people are thinking and about what they are thinking. As Shoemaker&Reese (2013) writes, “the tradition of media framing research also cuts across these major domains, considering how issues are constructed, or framed for the public” (Shoemaker,Reese,2013:17). Mostly mass communication researchers in media content are exploring the ways how news is shaped, by different influences and obstacles. Political communication professor from Amsterdam Claes H. de Vreese notes, “communication is not static, but more dynamic process that involves frame – building, and frame – setting between frames and audience. The model of reality construction has significant involvement for conceptualizing framing as a theory of media effects. Media frames also works for journalists allowing to quickly identify and classify information to relay to their audiences (Gitlin, 1980:7; quoted by Scheufele 1999:106). It is important also to divide and explain framing concepts which can be specified as media frames and individual frames. According to Gitlin (1980) frames, organize the world both for journalists who report it and also for us, who rely on their information. Similarly, Entman (1991) argue about individual frames emphasizing those as “information processing schemata” of individuals and media frames as “attributes of the news itself” (Gitlin 1980, Entman 1991, quoted by Scheufele 1999:10...

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...nformation they select to avoid making unnecessary stereotypes or wrong perception. It is also relevant to mention Stephen D. Reese studies, which are related with media effects and press performances. Similarly with other researchers, he writes that framing is concerned with the way – “interests, communicators, sources and culture combine to yield coherent ways of understanding the world” (Reese,2001:11).
In newest studies researchers mention similar explanations about framing, only the difference that framing is compared with priming, which is the way that “people consider prior knowledge or ideas that are easy to remember” (Baran and Davis, 2011:296;quoted by Freeland, 2012:6) and also with agenda-setting theory which is not only about how the media set the public agenda, but also how the media agenda itself is set by broader factors (Shoemaker,Reese,2013:17).

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