Studying the Media Rather Than Simply Consuming It

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Studying the Media Rather Than Simply Consuming It

Everyday we encounter the media in some form. It could be waking up to the sound of the radio, or passing billboards in the streets or simply just watching television. They are a lot of different forms of media, for example, verbal or written media, visual media and aural media. Examples of media would include newspapers, magazines, film, radio, television, billboard advertisements as well as the internet. Media studies came about because of the developments in mass communication and it provokes the generation of exigent questions about what we think we know as well how we came about knowing it. There are always changes in the media and the term “media” refers to the many ways of physically forming meanings as well and carrying them. The term “media studies” on the other hand, means different courses priorities different media; different theories and different learning outcomes (Bazalgette, 2000).

Even though media studies is still new, it is important, as it has a high potential of being at the centre of essential changes in our thoughts about what we should learn and if they are worthwhile (Bazalgette, 2000). Since this subject is still new there are a lot of disagreements on how media should be interpreted and it is also a hybrid subject as the idea that it came about comes from a variety of sources (Bazalgette, 2000). Media studies is also considered an academic discipline as it binds the different types of hybrid disciplines such as semiotics, structuralism, sociolinguistics and a lot more and there are no limits to an individual as how to analyze the media. The analysis of media is very important for this particular subject. Educators today realized that students need to be involved in practical work to understand the subject better. Media studies are normally associated with the English subject. However the difference is rather apparent and media studies courses uses economic and political perspectives are their main ways to understand the media as well as it requires a person to consider texts from different contrasting perspectives. The English subject on the other hand, deals with reading and writing skills as well as analyzing critically. It also involves individual students’ responses (Bazalgette, 2000).

There are five reasoning to why studying the media is important. T...

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...e importance of media studies will not decline, in fact, it will be more dominated in the future, and therefore we need to study the media to understand how it influences ourselves and the society. Not only that, people who study the media rather than consuming it would know how to act rather than being acted about. In saying this, media literate people are and will be better citizens and they can pose questions on the different benefits of the media as well as understand how the media is constructed.

Works Cited

Bazalgette, Cary (2000) “Why Media Studies is Worthwhile”, in Dan Fleming (ed.), Formation : A 21st Century Media Studies Textbook, Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp.5-14.

Sinclair, John (2002) “Media and Communications : Theoretical Traditions”, in Stuart Cunningham and Graeme Turner (eds), The Media & Communications in Australia, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, pp.23-34.

Thompson, B. John (1995) “Self and Experience in a Mediated World”, The Media and Modernity : A Social Theory of the Media, Stanford University Press, Stanford, pp.209-219.

McKee, Alan (2001) “A Beginner’s Guide to Textual Analysis” in Metro Magazine, No.127/128, 2001, pp.138-149.

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