The Importance Of Inventions

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Many of these inventions are in the everyday home of many people today. As we think about these inventions we don’t realize how important they are until we try living without them. The first luxury we do not give enough credit to is the microwave. The effect of the microwave on people today is huge. It helps out the busy family, or the family who relies on leftovers often. The big stationary object that sits in the middle of your kitchen and up against a wall is also a real lifesaver. People tend to realize the importance of this invention when the power goes out. Thats right, a refrigerator is the most used stationary invention in America. This invention allows us to keep our food cold causing it to stay fresh longer. No one ever thinks about …show more content…

We can all complain about the technology that has been in our lives but face it, we would be lost without it. As times started to change the computer started to develope. Internet became accessible to many people. Computers and internet access has allowed many people to live an easier life. When the Ipod came out everyone raved over it. Now we know why. The Ipod has transformed the way we listen to music even to this day. In many opinions the biggest little invention has transformed over ninety percent of the world. You guessed it right, the cell phone. First it was just the typical car phone that was as big as a young girl 's shoe, now it 's a debate on which smartphone to get. Smart phones have made lives easier but has also started many problems. We all love the smart phone until it shatters or goes dead in a dire emergency. These technology advances have made quite an impact on our society today. It has really made us into the lazy human beings we are now.
Even our family trips have been impacted by these gadgets. First we got the car, without the car our lives would be completely miserable. Everyone would be forced to use public transportation or we would be required to walk. We now have the GPS. Without a GPS many families would constantly be lost and in a feud. Sure we think the car is amazing but let 's talk on a larger scale. The airplane, it has mobilized our world tremendously. AIr travel has cut down travel time by hours at a time, also it is pretty cool to fly thousands of feet in the air. Who would have ever thought this is how advanced we would be

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