The Importance Of Hysteresis

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What are hysteresis curves?
When a ferromagnetic material is magnetized in one direction, it will not relax back to zero magnetization when the imposed magnetizing field is removed. It must be driven back to zero by a field in the opposite direction. If an alternating magnetic field is applied to the material, its magnetization will trace out a loop called a hysteresis loop. The lack of retraceability of the magnetization curve is the property called hysteresis and it is related to the existence of magnetic domains in the material.

Hysteresis is the dependence of the state of a system on its history. For example, a magnet may have more than one possible magnetic moment in a given magnetic field, depending on how the field changed in …show more content…

The specific shape of the geotherm beneath any location on Earth is a function of its corresponding local tectonic regime. Metamorphism can occur eitherwith the movement of the rock from one place to another through a single geotherm or when the geotherm itself changes form. The former can take place when a rock is buried or uplifted at a rate that permits it to maintain thermal equilibrium with its surroundings; this type of metamorphism occurs beneath slowly subsiding sedimentary basins and also in the descending oceanic plate in some subduction …show more content…

What is oblate spheroids?
Before we explain an oblate spheroids we have to understand a spheroids;
According to google dictionary a spheroids can be described as;
• A sphere-like but not perfectly spherical body.
• A spheroid is an ellipsoid having two axes of equal length, making it a surface of revolution.
• A spheroid is a three-dimensional shape that can look like either a stretched or a flattened sphere
Now that we understand the fundamental of a spheroids we go into oblate spheroids;
Oblate spheroids can also be described as;
• a solid that can be generated by a half-revolution of an ellipse about its minor axis ( oblate spheroid ).
• An oblate spheroid is a surface of revolution Gotten by rotating an ellipse about its minor axis around a planet or a satellite.
• An oblate spheroid is an ellipsoid generated by rotating an ellipse through 360 degrees about its minor axis around a planet or satellite. Therefore earth is not a perfect sphere neither is it a perfect ellipsoid but it is an Oblate spheroids .
The formula of the ellipsoid is denoted

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