The Importance Of Health Care

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How can healthcare provided by the government help all people? Over the year’s health care has gone up a significant amount. People cannot afford to pay for it, so many are not covered. Lots of people become sick and stay unable to receive treatment because they are not apart of health care or capable to pay for hospital expenses. The government should take responsibility for the people and take care of health care charges. The president, Barrack Obama came up with an affordable health care insurance called Obamacare. Medical expenses should not be a reason for people to stay unhealthy. Health care should be provided by the government because it can make people become healthier, save money and more life’s can be saved. Health care can make …show more content…

First, healthcare plays a big role in saving peoples life’s and in making them stay healthy. As an illustration, a large amount of people who enrolled lives are saved by being insured by health care (Linkins). Also, people covered by health care are being provided in multiple ways, helping them stay healthy and take care of themselves. Second, life’s matter that is why the government should give health care for free to all people. As said by Levey, “Giving more people health care could save tens of thousands of life’s nationwide” (Levey). Millions of people can be saved due to health care because they will visit the doctor on regular bases. Third, millions of people cannot afford to pay for healthcare due to high medical prices and a big part of people with extremely low income. To illustrate, “It is estimated that 1.3 millions of people worldwide lack access to health care due to being over priced” (Twikiriz 66). Healthcare can be expensive and can affect families whose income is not as much to pay for their health care insurance each month. Finally, saving life’s using medical help is not the only way life’s could be saved, but also, having the cost of healthcare lower enough to where multiple people can afford it and not stress about not being covered. As stated by Tom and Carter, “Eligibility is based on income, which must be at or under 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) in states that expanded Medicaid” (DeMichele, Bastian). Lowing the cost of healthcare insurance can when possible play a big role in saving peoples lives because it will help them be able to afford to be covered by their insurance and help them get medical help without having to worry about not having the money to pay for all the medical bills. Providing free health care cannot only help all people but come with its financial issues to the

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