The Importance Of Harmony In Diversity

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Harmony in diversity is the key to ensure peace and prosperity. Malaysia is a country of various religions, races, cultures and languages. It is a land where different people of different lifestyle bonded together in one community. Racial and religious harmony is fundamental especially in a multi-racial country. However, in recent decades, forces unleashed by our ethnic mix group have grown stronger. Communities have grown apart, they become less diverse but more polarised. To subdue the challenge arising from the differences, citizens are required to cherish and nurture harmony in diversity. Why is it harmony in diversity needed to be nurture and cherished? It is vital for each individual to embrace and celebrate the uniqueness of various ethnic groups because many of the social, economic, environmental and global issues can be solved. Conflicts that arise can be easily resolved if people unite as one entity because there is effective communication between different races even in a bad situation. When people of a country develop a sense of unity among themselves, the government of that country can focus on economic development, and security of the nation. In this modern world, trade and commerce increased the interaction between different races, consequently enhancing esprit de corps and …show more content…

A forum could be organise to allow people to share their problems and worries, after that people could give opinions to find a solution to solve the problems and worries that being expressed by the citizen. Other than that, activities involving different races such as sports, leadership programmes and exchange programmes should be augmented. Through all these programmes, people will learn to respect and working together alongside each other and not quick to judge or put labels on people based on their religion and

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