The Importance Of Free Will

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"The most continuous question of metaphysics" is figuring out what exactly free will is; according to David Hume. One would figure that he/she is able to choose their actions. Or Is there even such thing as free will? With casual, theological and logical determinism being in the picture? Why should we care about free will? When considering freedom of action and moral responsibility in free will, it's always important to never confuse the two. For example, practicing free action and free will can be a man, who's name is Sam, by contemplating whether or not he wants to go to his mother's house for dinner. He doesn't have anything else to do but just doesn't want to deal with the drive to his moms. He knows he should and he does because …show more content…

Now say Sam couldn't go to his mother's because there was a blizzard that happened and blocked people in their homes. Sam can't drive to his moms even though he wants to, making this a case of having free will but not free action. Free actions are not possible without free will. The importance of caring about free will is considering one's moral responsibility. Are Sams actions merely caused by moral responsibility or did he genuinely want to go to this mothers house? Although some philosophers believe that moral responsibility isn't necessary to think about when analyzing the concept of free will. Coming to the conclusion that there are a lot of philosophical issues when it comes to free …show more content…

Two types of compatibilists is that of “hard determinists” and “libertarians”. Hard compatibilists argue that the world is deterministic and no such thing as free will. Libertarians argue that determinism isn't a thing in the real world and that people have free will. One should note that compatibilism and incompatibilism are open to possibility. A compatibilist might argue that one can be determined but free. As for a incompatibilist would argue that is completely not

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