Compatibilism Vs Libertarianism

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When it comes to the topic of free will, most people would agree that it is something they do possess. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of what specific notion of freedom, and how it affects moral responsibility. Whereas some feel that everything is already determined, others maintain that humans do possess free will and/or moral responsibility. Hard determinism is the theory that all events are the necessary result of previous causes (Lawhead, 117) and so humans do not have a moral responsibility for their actions (Lawhead, 119). Libertarianism is the position that rejects determinism and claims that humans do have metaphysical freedom. Another standpoint is compatibilism, which attempts to serve as a medium …show more content…

They agree the universe influences things, rather than determine them. This claim sounds fairly convincing when relating it to the common person’s day-to-day life. However, there is a major flaw in that way of thinking because with it. While it is true that influencing and determining things are different, it does not necessarily follow that “free will” is the same as man forming an original motive for his/her own actions. “Choice” does not equal freedom. There are many factors that affect will and original impulses. If one does not act upon their initial impulse it is because there is some new cause, motive or object that affects them and causes them to act accordingly. Humans act necessarily because they are directly affected by the nature of the universe and have no control over its causes. The universe’s causal forces regulate existence in that it determines its actions. It is from this way of thinking that many of the scientific laws still used today were born. Newton’s third law of motion states: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This is exactly how causal forces of the universe directly affect how people act. This is why humans are not the masters of their own actions and …show more content…

Since an event cause other events or actions, it is causally determined. And if an event is an act that is causally determined, then the person who acted could not have acted in any other way than in the way that he/she did. For example, no one asks to be born, nor do they ask to be born human. Factors that affect parents affect their children as well as many other factors that influence how they turn out like their families, health, etc. No one chooses which of those they receive in life. No one can even choose their own personality or how/what thoughts go through their mind. So because it is not possible to choose any of these kinds of things, people are not actually free, despite America’s claims to liberty. Humans would have to be able to choose the laws of nature in order to be really free. And if people are not free, then moral responsibility does not really

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