Family Bonds and Individual Pursuits: A Comparative Analysis

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The story “Everyday Uses” begins with a Mother talking about her daughters, Maggie and Dee. Dee is outgoing, beautiful, and judgmental; she searches for things that may give her life purpose. Family values are of very little importance to Dee. She finds her significance more in her appearance, than in endearment to the people of with whom she has shared her life, due to her insecurities. Then, there is her little sister Maggie, a small, shy girl, who has large insecurities due to her appearance. She also walks with a limp, due to a fire that occurred at her old house when she was younger. Maggie may lack external beauty but, she has internal beauty; a caring heart and she loves her Mother. The love that Maggie has for her mom is in sharp contrast with …show more content…

Mama dreams that she meets up with Dee on tv and they join together in a big hug. One day, Dee when finally comes to visit Mama, she notices how her daughter has become the polar opposite of the daughter in her dreams. During the trip, Dee displays to Mama that she cares very little about her family and desires only for things that will benefit herself such as the old antique quilts. Though these quilts have been offered to Dee before only now does Dee realizes how these quilts could benefit her life. However, these quilts had now been promised to Maggie after she gets married. Maggie was furious when she heard Dee talking about the quilts but, because Maggie always received what was second best, she offered the quilts to Dee. In that moment, Mama realized that she would never have a joyful reunion with Dee, and that she needed to cling onto the love that her youngest daughter gave to her. Dee soon realized that she would not be leaving her old house with the quilts and then she left almost instantaneously. Mama and Maggie went to bed content. All In all, in Alice Walker’s story “Everyday Use,” the two sisters Dee and Maggie differ in appearance, education, and attitude, but they both have deep down

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