The Importance Of Facilitated Communication

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For many years, there has been a controversy on whether facilitated communication (FC) users are actually the authors of their own thoughts or not. This has also raised issues of independence and intelligence of the FC user. Many people question the autistic person’s competence with FC and tend to assume they are ‘mentally retarded’. However, Sue Rubin (2001) who communicates through typing that has become independent with many years of physical support and Libby Grace (2015) who is an academic who often gives lectures and presentations verbally, but she also thinks about communication through writing prove to people whose assumptions of ‘mental retardation’ are wrong and with practice they can become independent FC users. In the article, Independence, Participation, and the Meaning of Intellectual Ability by Rubin, Biklen, Kasa-Hendrickson, Kluth, Cardinal, and Broderick (2001), they discuss Sue Rubin’s process through FC. Just like Grace (2015) who is the author of Who Knows?, Rubin (2001) has also been to many conferences. “Able to type independently... my presen-tations (at conferences) were acts of …show more content…

Becoming independent brings respect and equality (Rubin, 2001, p. 422). Facilitated communication changes lives because non-verbal speaking people are able to communicate with the world around them. According to Rubin (2001), “Loneliness no longer is a part of my life…they respect my advice and enjoy being with me” (p. 422). All the things non-verbal speaking people would like to do in life wouldn’t be complete if they didn’t have some sort of communication. “It is quite clear to all of us that we know what we are thinking and what our lives are like, and that communication is greatly important, and indeed a fundamental right,” Grace (2015) justifies (p. 13). James seems to understand exactly what he wants and reassures everyone through expressions when people understand

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