The Importance Of Equal Rights For Women In Society

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Today, women share the same equal rights and opportunities as men; nevertheless, that has not invariably been the case. Before the Jazz Age era, gender discrimination between men and women in society was considerably popular. Women were seen as inferior to men. Their jobs were to care for the home, children, and other domesticated duties while men were able to work, get an education, and become doctors or lawyers. Many women like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Ida B. Wells, Sojourner Truth, Zora Hurston, to mention a few, seen the unfairness in women's rights and fought for equal rights for women through different movements, efforts, protests, and even marches to abolish women’s rights. As a consequence, women now pursue not only higher education and higher paid jobs/ businesses, but their rights. One of the world’s most controversial issues among churches of today is the role of a woman. Many people are confused about the duty of a woman and how she is supposed to serve God because of history. History taught us to never deny someone of gender, race, or even diversity since he or she has human rights. However, this issue should not be viewed as men versus women because this is not a political issue; instead, it should be viewed as the structural of a church. Women should not be priests, pastors, or even rabbis for God condone women for being priests, pastors, and rabbis as well as proscribed.
In most religious faiths, like Christianity (excluding Christian denominations), Judaism, and Catholic do not accept women as priests, pastors, and rabbis. In Christianity, there are several of reasons why women cannot be ordained as ministry leaders in the fellowship of God, but minister. At the beginning of time, God created man ...

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...f women and responsibilities. Therefore, women should not be leaders in church. Historians, doctors, and other religious leader, may contribute their research, perspectives, beliefs, and thoughts, but that is nothing more than their opinions. The Bible, on the other hand, is the book of life and is the most reliable source of them all. It is the way God is speaking to his people directly. Many other religions like Judaism and Catholic shares the same characteristics mentioned here. The best way to view this issue is to not see it equally a political/economic standpoint but church structural. One thing for sure women cannot be priests, pastors, and rabbis. One can choose to listen and be doer of his word or one can procrastinate all his or her life and deny the truth. No matter how one might consider a woman’s role in the church, there is only one truth and one God.

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