The Importance Of Apathy In Today's Society

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With newer generations prepared to sweep control of today’s society, many of those born in earlier years are astounded by the bored expressions seemingly ever-present on their faces. Undeniable and unfortunate, our youth has been declining in enthusiasm, but not many are aware of the foremost reasons for this apathy epidemic or the issues it evokes. Apathy is formed from the resentment many millennials have for society, and there are plenty of reasons and methods for its prohibition. While boredom typically affects everyone equally, apathy is not precisely boredom; it is a lack of passion that primarily targets millennials.. According to Psychology Today, “ Such an attitude saps you of so much energy that you feel lethargic[...]almost too …show more content…

First off, awareness of why one should be more enthusiastic should be publicized. Besides for it being pleasing for others around them, enthusiasm can soar chances of being hired by an employer. One Washington Post article on the matter states that “...employees who are seen as enthusiastic are seen as providing good customer service, resolving interpersonal conflict effectively and working more productively with others.” Possessing that extra hint of energy could provide millennials, some still in search of jobs, the occupations they have been longing for. If millennials knew of this benefit, some might try being more energetic in their everyday life. To gain genuine enthusiasm, there is a myriad of plausible methods. As suggested by, setting realistic goals, acting positive, and being creative are all ways to obtain energy. With all of this in mind, millennials might be capable of overcoming the apathy that currently defines their generation. To conclude, while our supposedly static society generates a longstanding apathy in millennials, there are reasons and ways to boost enthusiasm. Our society, since the earlier gens of generation X, the baby boomers, and even the silent generation, has dedicated itself to building a better America. Some feel recent years have precluded human achievement. Still, there is hope to restore the former glory our ancestors established for us, for we can delete apathy from our systems -- we can restore

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